Monday, April 19, 2010

It's Official


The entire staff here at Transplant Trib are definitely pleased as punch to officially display our newest link located on the right-hand side of the blog for your convenience. As I mentioned earlier today (and DON'T get used to two posts in one day!) I was recently contacted by a representative of AlloSource, a non-profit organization that is a key participant in providing soft tissue for a number of important transplants known as allografts. Please take a few minutes to check out their site. It is very interesting and hopefully can lead to more transplant awareness and increasing donorship. And, oh yeah, the Transplant Trib does not and will never receive any type of compensation for these links. AND, despite the added value to you, the Transplant Trib is STILL 100% free of charge!


After yet another thankfully brief visit to Quest Diagnostics here in Livertown for labs (cannot figure out why they are so miserable there) we (Cherie, Diana and I) decided to do a Beautiful Downtown Livermore kinda day. It would consist of lunch at Eddie Papa's, viewing Alice in Wonderland in 3D at Livermore Cinema, followed by a wee bit o' frozen yogie at FirsTreat Yogurt. A high point was checking out (no consumption of food or drink) the newly-opened wildly-expanded First Street Alehouse. One of our favorites and certainly a major busy spot, they have moved into their former next-door neighbor's and grown at least four-fold. OK, so much for the Downtown Nooz.

Right now we are enjoying a showing of Cars with Diana, niece Jennifer, and nephew David prior to their VERY early departure from OAK back home to Florida tomorrow. All in all it has been a stellar weekend, one that I believe pleased everyone.

I know I still have a coupla FAQ's to address as well as a (possible) review of Dona Tomas. But now I need some rest.


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RJ/Bob/Irv is a 61-year-old beloved husband, father, uncle, brother, motor racing fanatic, and Livermore resident who received a heart and kidney transplant in February of 2010. Bob's recent years have been defined by his health, which forced him into early retirement. Unfortunately, many of his days were spent in a dialysis center or at various medical appointments, primarily due to his living with diabetes for over 40 years. Numerous were panic visits to various Emergency Rooms all over California for treatment of chest pain. But now no more dialysis and no more late-night dashes to UCSF! The main focus of Bob's family, friends, and doctors has been a prompt transplant, so that he can get back to traveling with his Sweetie, driving fast cars, enjoying great music and laughing with his friends. This blog will function as a way to communicate with all interested parties and to keep everyone informed. And hopefully it can serve a great purpose also, in making people more aware of the importance of organ donation and how each life saved has a positive effect on dozens of related friends and relatives.