Monday, February 22, 2010

Status Quo......

We really have nothing to report today, but I know this is where so many friends get their updates, so we won't leave you completely hanging. Today was calm and non-eventful. Another home nurse visit, calls from the transplant coordinator making slight adjustments in the meds based on this morning's lab work, a trip to the pharmacy to pick up some new supplies, and a failed attempt to get to Trader Joe's (the line of cars waiting to get into the parking lot were a real put-off to me). So we dined on perfectly tasty left-overs tonight, and I'll venture out earlier tomorrow with other stores in mind. A big accomplishment was getting some paperwork finished (I think) and faxed off to the insurance company. We are both looking forward to having more energy soon, and know it will happen in good time. All in all, this report is a real yawner but hopefully better than nuttin' as RJ would say!

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RJ/Bob/Irv is a 61-year-old beloved husband, father, uncle, brother, motor racing fanatic, and Livermore resident who received a heart and kidney transplant in February of 2010. Bob's recent years have been defined by his health, which forced him into early retirement. Unfortunately, many of his days were spent in a dialysis center or at various medical appointments, primarily due to his living with diabetes for over 40 years. Numerous were panic visits to various Emergency Rooms all over California for treatment of chest pain. But now no more dialysis and no more late-night dashes to UCSF! The main focus of Bob's family, friends, and doctors has been a prompt transplant, so that he can get back to traveling with his Sweetie, driving fast cars, enjoying great music and laughing with his friends. This blog will function as a way to communicate with all interested parties and to keep everyone informed. And hopefully it can serve a great purpose also, in making people more aware of the importance of organ donation and how each life saved has a positive effect on dozens of related friends and relatives.