Tuesday, October 19, 2010

An Optimistic Excursion to Puzzle Palace on Parnassus


Picking up where I left off yesterday, I quickly completed the 11:00 am ultrasound. I was handed a rather cryptic little envelope to take to the kidney transplant doctor. I cheated by opening it, and saw a bunch of hieroglyphics with "abnormal" circled several times. My confidence was not bolstered.

We got quickly in front of Dr. Lee, the transplant nephrologist I had seen during my ordeal last May. He was not unhappy with the ultrasound, since while abnormal it was the same abnormal as five months ago. He sent me to the lab with a stat order, and after the draw, we enjoyed a pannini and a walk up and down Irving Street.

As instructed, we returned to the kidney transplant clinic. The results of the labs were very much improved over last week, so he felt a biopsy was not needed. A biopsy would have entailed at least a 1-2 day inpatient stay, and if there was considerable rejection, it might have been as long as five days. Needless to say, that would have totally sunk even the smallest efforts to salvage a brief vacation. He asked me to get labs Wednesday morning in Pleasanton, after which time he was OK with us heading out of town for a short excursion. If anything evil were to develop, it only takes a phone call to send us back toward San Francisco.


Our current thinking involves bringing the S2000 to Lodi first, in order to "do" lunch with Bro' Gary. Then, per his suggestion, motor briskly on back roads up to Apple Hill for some stops at the various orchards for apple this and apple that before heading to Tahoe's North Shore for a couple of days of fall foliage therapy. We will be back in time to attend the wedding of our Cousin Elliott in Fremont - a silver lining to our previously cancelled tour. So, there you have it !

Cheryl just this very moment scored accommodations at the Red Wolf Lakeside Lodge ( I believe a Caples and Sharon and Jeff Johnson favorite) so we are set for takeoff once again. To Infinity, and Beyond...


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RJ/Bob/Irv is a 61-year-old beloved husband, father, uncle, brother, motor racing fanatic, and Livermore resident who received a heart and kidney transplant in February of 2010. Bob's recent years have been defined by his health, which forced him into early retirement. Unfortunately, many of his days were spent in a dialysis center or at various medical appointments, primarily due to his living with diabetes for over 40 years. Numerous were panic visits to various Emergency Rooms all over California for treatment of chest pain. But now no more dialysis and no more late-night dashes to UCSF! The main focus of Bob's family, friends, and doctors has been a prompt transplant, so that he can get back to traveling with his Sweetie, driving fast cars, enjoying great music and laughing with his friends. This blog will function as a way to communicate with all interested parties and to keep everyone informed. And hopefully it can serve a great purpose also, in making people more aware of the importance of organ donation and how each life saved has a positive effect on dozens of related friends and relatives.